Kids are rivals with vegetables. Give them a regular made cabbage or tomato dish, they give us their puke like face. Every mother wants to avoid that face and give the best for her child. A mix veggie soup recipe is perfect to trick your wee devil into getting the vitamins. Mix veggie soup is rich with anti oxidant vegetables like capsicums, tomatoes and cabbage. If your kid is not ready to have lunch, make him this soup. It is as good as having a good meal. Also you, weight conscious mommies, this is a very good dinner meal for you. There is no need to sleep without eating anything. This vitamin rich soup is extremely light and low in calories too.
The time required to prepare this dish around 10 minutes. It serves 6.
- 4 chopped tomatoes
- 2 table spoon chopped cabbage
- 2 table spoon chopped capsicum
- 2 table spoon chopped onions
- 2 bayleaves
- 2 teaspoon oil
- 6 teacups of water
- salt and black pepper powder to taste
- toasted tiny bread pieces
Method to prepare:
Take a pan. Heat it up until it is warm enough. Meanwhile, take 6 teacups of water and bring it to boil. Pour the oil in the pan and bring it to heat. Once the oil is warm, add onions to it and fry it for 2-3 minutes on a low flame. Now add the chopped tomatoes, chopped capsicum, and chopped cabbage. Tear the bay leaves and add them with the vegetables. Also pour in 6 teacups of the boiled water. Boil this mix for about 5 minutes. Add salt and pepper powder to taste. Tip into the kiddie bowl. Throw in some toasted bread tiny pieces for some surprising twist for your little one. Best tastes when served hot.
Tip Alert: always add a little salt whenever frying onions in oil. The blend adds more taste to the dish.