12 Cute, Kid-Friendly Dishes That Are Actually Easy

When it comes to getting kids excited about food that doesn't involve shiny wrappers or fish-shaped crackers, I say bring on the cute. With four kids, ages 5 and under, I have only one rule in the kitchen: All ideas must be doable. (Do you hear me, Pinterest?) Kids begging for a banana while I'm sculpting pancakes into Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles just won't work. Instead, these are all simple ideas with just the right amount of ta-da to dazzle even reluctant eaters in minutes.

Charity Curley Mathews is a former executive at HGTV.com and MarthaStewart.com turned family food blogger, editorial strategy consultant and mother of four. She's a contributor to FoodNetwork.com and the founder of Foodlets.com: Mini Foodies in the Making...Maybe.