Charleigh Matice Finds Swastika In McDonald’s Sandwich Bun

Charleigh Matice lost her appetite when she found a swastika made from butter on the bun of a chicken sandwich at McDonald's.

Matice says she discovered the unappetizing symbol while putting mayo on a sandwich purchased at a McDonald's in Morehead City, North Carolina.

"Is this a joke? Does somebody really think they're funny?" Matice told WCTI-TV. "Many people died because of that symbol and it’s not something that should be taken lightly. It’s not something that should be thrown around."

It was especially offensive to Matice, whose grandfather fought in World War II.

Although McDonald's employees offered to replace the sandwich, presumedly with a bun not alluding to Nazi atrocities, Matice declined.

"I really didn't have an appetite at that point so I said I rather have my money back," she said, according to ABC News.

But Matice wasn't satisfied with just the money, so she contacted McDonald's corporate headquarters about her swastika bun beef.

Shortly after her complaint, she received a letter from Dulcy Purcell, the owner of the Morehead City McDonald's, stating that the employee who allegedly put the swastika on the bun has been fired.

"We do not tolerate that kind of behavior at McDonald's, and it's not what we stand for personally as owners," Purcell wrote, according to "It is about providing the best level of service and care to our customers, and anything less than that is unacceptable to us."

Matice has since accepted the apology and plans to eat at McDonald's again.

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