Downtown D.C.’s Sidewalk Cafe Explosion, By the Numbers

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D.C., we're basically Paris! The DowntownDC Business Improvement District is now home to 178 sidewalk cafes—a 7.9 percent increase from last year, according to a press release from the organization. That adds up to a total of 5,541 sunshine-accessible seats. The number of sidewalk cafes is nearly double what it was five years ago in the 138-block area.

The DowntownBID has a nifty interactive map that lets you see exactly where these outside cafes are and click to find out how many outdoor seats each establishment has. Some other fun numbers:

31 —the average number of seats for a downtown sidewalk cafe

3 — the number of seats at the smallest downtown sidewalk cafe

243 — the number of seats at the largest downtown sidewalk cafe

70 —the combined total number of sidewalk cafes along the K Street corridor and in Penn Quarter, the areas with the highest concentrations

Check out downtown's sidewalk cafe growth since 2009 below. 
