Ramp Mania is Here and We’ve Got the Pictures to Prove It


The only thing more sure than ramps showing up on every menu each spring is ramps showing up in every restaurant's social media feed. Chefs fight for the firsts of the season and can't help but brag about their wild bounty—no matter how over-crazed or overpriced they've become. (A single bunch from the Dupont farmers market, pictured above, cost $5.) Take a look at how some chefs wax poetic ("wrapped in a lovely ramp butter blanket") and brag about the size of their haul ("100 pounds... so many possibilities") below.

What snow? We've got ramps, so spring must be near! @jjlthedabney

A photo posted by @thedabneydc on

The weather outside is frightful. But, trust us, it's spring. Ramped!! #ramps

A photo posted by Garrison Restaurant (@garrisonindc) on