The 30 Best BBQ Restaurants In America, According To Open Table

America has a serious love affair with barbecue. It's an adoration so profound, the people were unable to leave it in the South from whence it came. You no longer have to live in Alabama or make a trip to Texas to eat great ribs, brisket, or awesome BBQ sides. These days, you can get great barbecue in the center of Manhattan or a pulled pork sandwich worthy of a food coma in the Golden City.

A look at Open Table's 2014 30 Best BBQ Restaurants Diners' Choice Awards is proof of that -- only a few restaurants on the list are actually located in the South. There are restaurants from both coasts, and a good amount hail from Chicago of all places. Fear not, this doesn't mean that the South isn't still top when it comes to barbecue. A more likely explanation would be that great Southern barbecue doesn't exist at places that take Open Table reservations.

Without further ado, here are the best BBQ restaurants in America (which accept reservations on Open Table).

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