The tricks and tips of cookbook continues! Is the dough getting stuck to hand? How to slice the meat thin as a needle? I know how much these questions must be haunting you. Leave the worry to us. You just follow us with magic of your hands.
Whenever there is a chance of the dough getting stuck to your hand, always be prepared with a bowl of cornmeal. Whenever you have to get rid of the dough on hand, in cases like answering the phone or running behind a toddler, rub the cornmeal on your hands. It is the fastest and easiest way to liberate your hands from the sticky dough, than the washing with soap and water.
Try preparing the mashed potatoes an hour or 2 before the meal. While you prepare the meal, store the mashed potatoes in a cooker on a low flame. When you serve the crushed up potatoes with the meal, they taste hot and great. To get the fluffiness into your mashed potatoes, add a touch of baking powder when mashing them. Also try using an electric mixer, it adds up to the air in the mixture.
Want to try a buttery juicy cheesy grilled sandwich? Here’s what to do; try tossing some mayonnaise on the outside of the bread instead of using butter. It makes the grilled sandwich even crisper and tasty. Try adding some finely chopped green onions in the sandwich nearby the cheese. The cheesy green onions turn out just fine.
Here is a fascinating tip for griddle cake. When you are set to make a griddle cake, grease the pan for the first cake. Then, massage the hot griddle with a raw potato instead of greasing. This way the cake will turn nice brown too.
To have thin slicing of meat, freeze the meat for a while in the refrigerator. This partial freezing of the meat helps in cutting of the meat in thin slices. The freezing of the meat avoids uneven cuts and gives you a grip to hold the meat while cut. Many a time, steaks or frying pork chops turn curvy on their edges. This results into non flat cuts in the pan. To avoid curling of the edges, cut the openings in the fat along the edges of the pieces, around an inch.
Did you know baking soda can be a good meat tenderiser? Just sprinkle some baking soda all over the meat. Then rub it gently all over the meat and let it sit for a while. Also you can make a baking soda and water paste. You could simply spread this paste on the meat. Don’t forget to let it marinate. Once that is done, have it rinse well in order to remove all of the baking soda and then you are ready with your softy meat for cooking.
Want to know about the-when-I-got-the-baking-soda still fresh and useable or not? Try adding a teaspoon of baking soda into a small cup half full with vinegar. If the solution starts fizzing, congratulations, the age old baking soda of your pantry is still alive like a dolphin.