Pikachu-Shaped Food Served In Tokyo’s Pop-Up Pokémon Restaurant

If you've ever dreamed of chomping into a burger shaped like the cutest Pokémon of them all, just book a flight to Tokyo.

The pop-up "Pikachu Cafe" serves Pikachu-shaped dishes -- like parfait, pancakes, curry rice and burgers. There's even a dessert plate with a Pokeball made from framboise and a yogurt mousse. If adorableness has any effect on taste, these plates are probably really delicious.

Beef curry with a carrot-tumeric rice Pikachu.

White rice and chicken Pokeball.

Pikachu pancakes with vanilla icecream.

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Pikachu fruit and mango pudding parfait.

The limited-time restaurant opened in conjunction with the premier of Pokémon the Movie XY, a 2014 Japanese anime filmed which debuted on July 19.

H/t: kotaku
Photos via inside-games

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