Yet Another Steakhouse Is Coming to K Street NW

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Downtown D.C. needs another steakhouse like it needs another Pret A Manger. But here's another one anyway: A liquor license notice reveals that a place called Claudia’s Steakhouse is coming to 1501 K St. NW. (The entrance is actually on 15th Street NW, near the new G Street Food.)

The notice describes Claudia’s as a “new full service upper tier restaurant serving Latin infusion cuisine in a steakhouse environment. Entertainment to include live band performances and dancing during evening hours." The place advertises 300 seats and a sidewalk cafe for 45.

The restaurant will be located on a couple blocks from Toro Toro, another Latin and South American-inspired steakhouse. There's no shortage of those lately either.

More info as it's available.

Photo by Jessica Sidman